Julie de Saint Blanquat

Julie de Saint Blanquat
50 years, France
on "truc1" by Loup Mormont

I have been learning and dancing oriental dances for 10 years in Paris and teach them since 2005. I took part in specialized workshops in Middle Eastern dances and practiced during two years salsa, then Argentinian tango, or bollywood dance. I also discovered American Tribal Dance (ATS) and Tribal-Fusion (ATF) in 2005 on the internet and followed some workshops in Europe to learn those new styles for France. I completed both the Fat Chance Bellydance General Skills Certification, and Certification for teaching ATS in 2009. Open-minded and curious, I am particularly interested in fusions. All these dances come to enrich my artistic sensitivity and gradually my choreographic work. The richness of these arts, like the discovery of the cultures surrounding them, is highly inspirational for me.


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Dancers! details

Views: 2996

Place and date of shooting:
6/10/2009, Paris


Style: Energetic, Sensual, Intuitive

Technique: Oriental, Other, Improvisation

Lineage (your formative techniques): Oriental

Eating habits: Omnivore

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius

© 2009-2012 - A project of the company Bud Blumenthal /H Y B R I D