Florine Foucault

Florine Foucault
35 years, France
on "Beta" by Philippe Jelli

Started ballet at 9. I attended classes at Stanlowa institute, then at 18 I decided to become a professionnal.
I spent 2 years at AID, Paris.
I I won the 2nd place of the Voiron in august 2009. I have been auditionning since, trying to join a company.


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Dancers! details

Views: 6574

Place and date of shooting:
7/10/2009, Paris


Style: Energetic, Calm, Obessionnal

Technique: contemporary

Lineage (your formative techniques): Classical, Jazz, Limon, Cunningham

Eating habits: Omnivore

Zodiac sign: Pisces

Politics: Not Interested

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

© 2009-2012 - A project of the company Bud Blumenthal /H Y B R I D