Yipoon Chiem

Yipoon Chiem
47 years, Belgium
on "Cohlique" by Antonin De Bemels

in Belgium, Yiphun Chiem was noticed in the challenges in street by its very personal style, near to martial arts, which led it to gain the first battle of Best bgirl of Belgium organise in Gent(www.indahouz.com).
It in parallel developed an original search which carried out it towards a single synthesis between the hip-hop and the Kampuchean traditional dance, learned at the time when it was child. Passed by the music, will capoeira ....



saturation19/12/2009Yipoon, my sista! you: mother from a 2 month old baby at that time... keep it up keep it up! kiss

leston17/12/2012La stature est mauvaise...parole de professionnel

sony21/09/2014this is my number yipoon 0034632036164 soy sony de torevieja

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Dancers! details

Views: 3911

Place and date of shooting:
9/04/2009, Brussels


Style: Relaxed, Energetic, Explosive, Cool, Intimate, Sharp, Sophisticated, Intuitive

Technique: contemporary, Hip Hop, Break Dance, Other, Contact, Improvisation

Lineage (your formative techniques): Sports, Funky, Hip hop, Breakdance, Improvisation, Martial arts

Eating habits: Carnivore

Zodiac sign: Cancer

Politics: Utopian

Spirituality/Religion: Animism

Sexual orientation: Heterosexual

© 2009-2012 - A project of the company Bud Blumenthal /H Y B R I D