Marijke de Vos

Marijke de Vos
38 years, Netherlands
on "Alpha" by Philippe Jelli

Marijke de Vos was born in 1986 and by now she calls herself a choreographer, a filmmaker and a dancer. Graduated in 2008 at the ArtEZ Dance academy in Arnhem, Holland.Crossing boundaries and melting genres together are recognizable themes in her work. Her inspiration comes from underground music, film and poetry slams.


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Dancers! details

Views: 4186

Place and date of shooting:
8/04/2009, Brussels


Style: Explosive, Cool, Primal, Persistant

Technique: contemporary, classical, Contact, Improvisation

Lineage (your formative techniques): Classical, Limon, Cunningham, Graham, Post Modern, Release, Sports, Oriental, Contact, Improvisation

Eating habits: Vegetarian

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Politics: Democrat

Spirituality/Religion: Other

© 2009-2012 - A project of the company Bud Blumenthal /H Y B R I D